ZENTURIO: An Experiment Management System for Cluster and Grid Computing
Over the last de ade, a dramati in rease has been observed in the ability to generate and store data in the ourse of parameter studies, performan e analysis, and software testing. In this paper, we introdu e ZENTURIO, a sophisti ated experiment management environment that greatly alleviates parameter studies, performan e analysis, and software testing for a wide variety of target ar hite tures, in luding luster and Grid ar hite tures. ZENTURIO uses a novel dire tive-based language named ZEN in ombination with a user portal to spe ify arbitrary omplex program exe utions. Among others, ZEN enables to substitute strings, to request for performan e information, and to ontrol the number of experiments. ZENTURIO has been designed as a olle tion of Grid-servi es whi h omprise: (1) a registry servi e whi h supports registering and lo ating Grid servi es; (2) an experiment generator that parses les with ZEN dire tives and instruments appli ations for performan e analysis and parameter studies; (3) an experiment manager that ompiles and ontrols the exe ution of experiments on the target mahine. A graphi al user portal allows the user to ontrol and monitor the experiments and to automati ally visualize performan e and output data a ross multiple experiments. ZENTURIO has been implemented by employing Java/Jini te hnologies and supports experiments on luster ar hite tures via PBS and on Grid infrastru tures through Globus s hedulers. We report results of using ZENTURIO with an a tual performan e analysis and parameter study for a Globus site and a luster ar hite ture, respe tively.
منابع مشابه
From Web Services to OGSA: Experiences in Implementing an OGSA-based Grid Application
In previous work we have presented the ZENTURIO experiment management system for performance and parameter studies of parallel and distributed applications on cluster and Grid architectures. In this paper we describe experiences of an on-going work, targeting the implementation of ZENTURIO on top of the Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA). We analyse the opportunities offered by a Web servic...
متن کاملA Web Service-Based Experiment Management System for the Grid
We have developed the ZENTURIO experiment management system for performance studies, parameter studies, and software testing of parallel applications on cluster and Grid architectures. In this paper we describe the design and implementation of ZENTURIO as a Web service-based distributed architecture. We highlight limitations of Web services for deployment on the Grid and propose solutions. Expe...
متن کاملA Web Service-based Experiment Management System for the Grids
We have developed ZENTURIO, whi h is an experimentmanagement system for performan e and parameter studies as well as software testing for luster and Grid ar hite tures. In this paper we des ribe our experien e with developing ZENTURIO as a olle tion of Web servi es. A dire tivebased language alled ZEN is used to annotate arbitrary les and spe ify arbitrary appli ation parameters. An Experiment ...
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